Wide-bore MRI
1.5T and 3T

The combination of our wide-bore MRI and our rapid scan times results in reduced incidents of claustrophobia, whilst providing the highest possible quality imaging.
We offer a wide range of services and have a partial-Medicare license. This means we can bulk-bill a number of scans referred by GPs, such as:
Children (Under 16 years)
- Brain
- Sinuses
- Spine
- Knee
- Wrist
- Elbow
- Hip
Adult (Over 16 years)
- Brain (Headaches and/or seizures)
- Cervical Spine (Trauma and/or Radiculopathy)
- Knee (Under 50 years)
We can also bulk-bill a number of scans referred by Specialists, such as:
- Breast
- Prostate
- Rectum
- Cervix
- Bowel
- Cardiac