Siemens Force CT

Have your scan on a top-of-the-line CT used in the world's best imaging departments. Don't settle for anything less.

Superscan Siemens Force CT scanner

Dual-Source, Dual Energy and Low-Dose


Our Siemens Force CT is capable of ultra-lose dose imaging, designed with dual source and dual energy architecture. This means that we're capable of performing advanced techniques simply not possible on other CT scanners in Sydney, resulting in higher quality results and at a lower-dose than if the same scan had been performed elsewhere. We can perform scans at only 10% the radiation dose of other CT scanners in Sydney.

We are pioneers in some of the most technically difficult scans, such as the CT Angiogram.

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Superscan's Siemen's Force CT scanner


Our Siemens Force CT is designed with Dual Source and Dual Energy architecture. This provides us the raw power to perform the most technically difficult scans and the flexibility to adapt to all unique patient presentations.

With Dual Energy technology, we are able to non-invasively diagnose conditions such as Gout. This is not possible on other CT scanners.

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CT Gout Scan of the foot

Scans offered

Routine examinations include (but are not limited to):

- CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA)
- Head (Brain, Sinus, Facial Bone, TMJ, Dentascan/CBCT)
- Thorax (Chest/Lungs)
- Abdomen and Pelvis (including Dual Energy Kidney Stone Analysis for KUB, Cholangiogram)
- Angiogram (including Thoracic, Cerebral/Vertebral, Pulmonary/CTPA, Renal, Aorta/Aortogram, Abdominal, Upper and Lower Limbs)
- Colonography
- Dual Energy imaging (including non-invasive Gout and Kidney Stone scans)
- Interventional Procedures (Injections and Biopsies)


Case studies

CT Coronary Angiogram

Superscan have a passion for providing world-class Cardiac Imaging services. Our dual-trained Radiologist/Nuclear Medicine Specialists have over two decades of experience reporting CT Cardiac cases.

To support our focus on providing the best CTCA images in the world, we invested in a top-of-the-line Siemens Force CT scanner at both of our sites. This CT has the world's fastest temporal resolution, which provides the sharpest possible images of moving objects, such as the heart.

Not only is our Siemens Force CT capable of scanning any heart rate (including rapid AF), it is able to routinely acquire high-quality images at only 10% the radiation dose of other CT scanners used in Sydney.

Case study:
57 year old male, previous history of stent in mid-LAD and abnormal exercise ECG. Hyperlipidemia and elevated BSL. Bicuspid aortic valve with dilated aorta.

The high-quality images on the right were acquired on our Siemens Force CT at a DLP of only 26.3 (effective dose of 0.47mSv). Intra-stent lumen is visualised clearly.


DE Gout Scan (Non-invasive diagnosis)

A gout diagnosis has historically required interventional techniques to be utilised so that a specimen sample can be sent to a pathologist for assessment. Dual-Energy architecture on our Siemens Force CT allows for non-invasive diagnosis.

The presence of gout crystals are identified in bright green. CT Gout scans on our Siemens Force CT allow for localisation of individual crystals.

This is not possible on other CT scanners routinely used throughout Sydney.

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CT scan of the foot which identifies gout crystals

DE Pulmonary Artery Perfusion

Dual Energy technology is well-suited to scans such as the CT Pulmonary Angiogram (CTPA).

Quickly and accurately detecting pulmonary artery pathology is vital to providing patients with fast treatment, when necessary. By utilising Dual Energy, we're able to create perfusion maps that provide readers with a strong indication of non-perfused lung tissue.

The images on the right demonstrate perfused (bright red/orange) and non-perfused (dark red) tissue. The non-perfused tissue is a result of pulmonary emboli, confirmed by this CTPA scan.

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CT Gout Scan of the foot